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We are delighted to share with you the CSR Centre’s “Report on CSR in Bangladesh 2014: Sustainability for a Better Future”. On behalf of the Centre I take this opportunity to thank all of our development partners, companies, government stakeholders, UN Global Compact members and of course our CSR Centre Board of Trustees for their keen interest in taking the CSR agenda forward in Bangladesh. Our project partners deserve special thanks for realizing the importance of private sector engagement in promoting the United Nations Guiding Principles specifically those related to labour standards and human rights.
I would like to thank those companies who have shared their vision of CSR through specific sector or issue-based case studies in order to let others know how to engage and implement CSR best practices. They have revealed that these CSR approaches are linked to long term vision of their companies and its core business strategies in sectors such as textile and RMG, ICT and telecommunications, financial, health care and agriculture sector.
The team spirit and guidance of Ms. Musarrat Hossain, Research Officer of the Centre in preparing this publication has been instrumental in bringing out an informative CSR document for Bangladesh which will inform both national and global stakeholders how Bangladesh is attempting to implement CSR at a national level across sectors.
Sustainability is becoming a “ buzz word “ in today’s world as resources are limited, communities are more informed through electronic media and ICT, partnerships tend to strengthen social impact, and multi-stakeholder involvements through private sector mobilization can lead to sustainable development and a better future for the generations ahead.