for CSR strategy development


Provide training and facilitates workshops on topics of CSR to motivate private sector & NGO


Facilitates forums and seminars to engage stakeholders for advocating responsible business practices and CSR

Signing MOU with BBDN

Signing MOU with BBDN

Bangladesh Business & Disability Network (BBDN) is a network of employers and employers’ associations formed to focus on skill development and job placement for...

Report on CSR in Bangladesh 2024

Report on CSR in Bangladesh 2024

The CSR Centre had a workshop on “Report on CSR in Bangladesh 2024” on January 23, 2024, at Nakkhatrabari Resort, Gazipur, Dhaka. The objective of the workshop was to...

Partnership with ACI Logistics Ltd

The CSR Centre conducted a Workshop on developing the “SDG Sustainability Report” with the management team of ACI Logistics Limited on February 7, 2024. The objective...